Tuesday 14 May 2013


I just realised I skipped last weeks Insta-Tuesday, but in my defense, I was at home off sick. If there is one thing I hate it is being sick. You lose track of everything!
So this week will be a 2 week recap. And when I look back at photo's like this I realise how blessed I am. One often forgets what you have in your life and sometimes need that reality check to get you back on track again. I love my life and I cannot be happier!

1. Our view at Mabalingwe 2 weeks ago when my father came to visit.
2. Saying goodbye to the parents at the airport.
3. A new item bought for our camping that we are testing out.
4. Addicted!
5. Going out to celebrate my boo boo's 95% on his test.
6. Our weekend away last weekend. 
7. This is how a bush tv looks.
8. I really {love} sunsets!
9. Time to braai some marshmallows.
10. Happy Mothers day to my mommy and my sister.

And there you have it. I love Instagram and my family and most of all my Cedric! Yes he is mine! :)


  1. Hi sweety, camping sounds so fun! Great photos, hope you're feeling better and had a wonderful trip! P.S You make the loveliest couple :)

    1. Thank you Sam!
      I really appreciate that comment! :)

  2. Ohhh man and now I want a roasted marshmallow. Great thanks Johlet!

    1. Haha sorry Erin!
      It was soooo good! I finished a whole packet by myself! (blush)


Thank you so much for sharing your love!
My smile is growing with each comment!